What is it meant by zero-rated as per the UAE VAT?
Zero rating on export services means that the services which are rendered or exported outside the UAE are charged VAT at ZERO rate i.e. the supplier doesn’t have to pay output tax on the export of services and the registered entities can reclaim the input tax on the services provided by them
For effective results It will be a best course of action to conduct an audit to ensure that the services provided by a firm can be charged at zero rate and to verify whether all the conditions are fulfilled by the recipient. Consult with an outsourcing accounting firm in UAE to identify the bottleneck areas and take the required measure to improve it.
Things to be known regarding zero-rating on export services in UAE:
If the recipient has any of the following establishments in the UAE then it may be considered that he has a place of residence in the state:
a) Place of establishment:
It can be defined as the place where the business is established and significant management decisions or central management functions take place. It may include the head office of a company or where the directors sit.
b) Fixed establishment:
It is defined as a place of business with sufficient human and technological resources to supply and acquire goods and services. The company may have branches
Hence, the recipient won’t be provided services at zero rate.
The condition for zero rating exports is that the beneficiary of the service must be outside the state (UAE) while the services are rendered. Any presence of the recipient within the state would make it ineligible for zero rating. There are some sub conditions to consider a person as outside:
a) The recipient must not be present in the UAE more than 30 days
b) If the recipient is in the UAE then his presence must not be connected with the service to be rendered.
The services supplied must not be directly connected with the real estate in UAE or any improvements and movable personal assets in UAE.
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